Discord - Start by casting [vampirism]. This will help with extra damage, to lose aggro, and heal you while you draw aggro during your initial attack. Then do [enfeeble][putrid bile], and alternate between [discord] and [necrosis]. Use [putrid explosion] once your target dies. If you need HP or Energy, use [signet of lost souls] on a target with less than 50% HP. If [putrid bile] is in recharge, and there is no hex on the target, just use [necrosis] until you can put [putrid bile] back on, or if the target becomes hexed by an ally. This build is fairly simple, but you need to pay attention to the conditions, hexes and enchantments on the enemy, so that you dont waste [discord] and [necrosis]. [Enfeeble] guarantees that you always have at least one quick access condition to trigger [necrosis], while [putrid bile] is the hex you need to trigger [discord]. [Enfeeble] also helps protect against martial professions. The damage this build does is armor ignoring, so it's very strong in Hard Mode. [build prof][/build]