Glim Reaper -
Resillient Boon Prot - Not only do you need to use [divine spirit] mode properly, there are many other uncommon mechanics involved with running this build. As a Boon Prot, you need to know how to conserve energy and prioritise heals much more than other builds. Keep [divine boon] on always, and be sure to immediately re-cast it if it gets stripped. If you don't pay attention to this, your heals will be crap and everyone will die fast. With [divine boon] on, [draw conditions] and [reversal of fortune] make what I call the best anti-spike in the game. Try doing them in that order, on a deep wounded target with many conditions and low HP, and you will see why I call it that. Before the recent nerf of [draw conditions], you could alternate [draw conditions] and [reversal of fortune] back and forth all day as you need. That loop is now nerfed, but the build is still powerful. [Draw conditions] and tanking hexes will feed your [melandrus resilience] to turn you into a heal powerhouse. This build is very strong against teams like [fragility] spike. There is a trick you can do with this build while in [divine spirit] mode. Wait until you have 10 energy, then use [divine spirit]. Spam your 1/4 cast time heals and notice that the -1 penalty from [divine boon] is negated, because it cannot take your energy below 0. By the time [divine spirit] mode ends, you will have completed a great deal of power heals, and [melandrus resilience] will have helped you regain a great deal of energy in the process. With a Boon Prot, there is a neccessary skill and technique that almost noone knows about these days. It involves [signet of devotion]. Whenever you cast a spell, especially [reversal of fortune], follow it up with signet of devotion. If the target doesn't need a heal by the time its almost cast, tap forward to cancel it and recast it again immediately. I call this a cancel/cast. By doing this, you can get a lot of free heals in and conserve a great deal of energy. And due to [signet of devotion] being a signet, there is no aftercast delay. Try doing [reversal of fortune] + [signet of devotion] + [reversal of fortune], and notice how fast the second [reversal of fortune] heals after [signet of devotion]. The after effect of triggering [reversal of fortune] further cuts down the heal time delay while casting [signet of devotion]. Most players consider signet of devotion as being crap, but they simply dont understand it and the mechanics involved. You can even use [signet of devotion] to pull interrupts and avoid them via cancel/cast. This build is strong vs interrupts, and anti-Monk builds like [migraine] make it stronger. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And finally, when you need to outrun a Warrior or you're facing a lot of elemental damage, switch to [storm chaser] instead of [melandru's resilience], for a massive energy gain. You might even get comfortable standing in [fire storm] for 30 Energy. Conditions, Hexes, Elemental damage, it covers almost everything.[build prof][/build]